2011年3月13日 星期日

windroplr:將 Droplr 搬到 Windows 上使用,超方便的分享工具

windroplr:將 Droplr 搬到 Windows 上使用,超方便的分享工具:
Droplr - Drag, drop, share!
記得很早以前網路還沒有普及時,要把檔案分享給其他人下載都必須自己架設 FTP 伺服器,當時的網路速度不快、且不是每個人都知道如何使用 FTP。後來免費空間慢慢在網路上開始之後,要分享檔案幾乎沒有難度,只要把檔案從瀏覽器上傳後就可以獲得下載鏈結,近期又演化成只要把檔案拖曳進去後就自動上傳,如 Min.us ,這類檔案分享服務真的是越來越簡便。

Droplr 就是一個非常非常簡單且懶人的分享工具,使用 Mac OS 的朋友一定對此不陌生。你唯一需要做的就是把要上傳的檔案拖曳進去後放掉,就會自動產生鏈結給你(還幫你把鏈結複製好,看有多懶…)。原本以為只有 Mac OS 可以使用,後來才發現 Droplr 也提供 Windows 版-windroplr ,這個工具只有小小的 765 KB,卻可以讓你節省非常多時間喔!趕緊來看看我的介紹。





How to jailbreak iOS 4.3 on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch on Windows Using Sn0wbreeze 2.3 [Guide]

How to jailbreak iOS 4.3 on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch on Windows Using Sn0wbreeze 2.3 [Guide]:
Sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 is now available for Windows users to jailbreak iOS 4.3 running on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad and iPod touch. Just like PwnageTool for Mac, Sn0wbreeze jailbreak is also tethered for all devices, which means you will have to boot into a jailbroken state every time you reboot your device.





發現號太空梭最後一次返航,開始準備大樂退生活 (1 回應)





2011年3月12日 星期六

[分享] 改裝車用電腦為ipad2





Microsoft Office 臉書專頁抽獎遊戲,讓你有機會免費獲得 Microsoft Office Professional 2010










Installous 4.3 released ! Brings iOS 4.3 support

Installous 4.3 released ! Brings iOS 4.3 support:
Installous 4.3 has been released today bringing support for iOS 4.3. It lets you install cracked apps on iOS 4.3 by downloading .IPAs of the apps and install it directly to your iOS device. Once you install it, you'll be able to download and install cracked apps (.IPA) files directly on your iOS 4.3.





How to Kick iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch Out of Recovery Mode After Downgrading iOS 4.3 to iOS 4.2.1

How to Kick iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch Out of Recovery Mode After Downgrading iOS 4.3 to iOS 4.2.1:
Last week Apple released iOS 4.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices and as you know once you have updated your device to this new version, you can’t restore to previous iOS version.





iFixit: iPad 2 glass is 27 percent thinner

iFixit: iPad 2 glass is 27 percent thinner:
iFixit does a roundup of the iPad 2 teardown with their Teardown Highlights. Most notable in their summary, the iPad 2′s glass is significantly thinner than the previous iPad. Obviously that helps for weight loss but it also could theoretically





SHAtter Also Patched in iPad 2, Confirms iPhone Dev Team

SHAtter Also Patched in iPad 2, Confirms iPhone Dev Team:
Well some more bad news for early adaptors of iPad 2 who wants to jailbreak their shiny new device. After the confirmation of Limera1n being patched in iPad 2’s





Untethered Jailbreak May be Delayed Until iOS 4.3.1 Release

Untethered Jailbreak May be Delayed Until iOS 4.3.1 Release:
After we have showed you the untethered jailbreak demo video for iOS 4.3 few hours ago, the hacker behind the exploit seemingly will hold his jailbreak until Apple releases iOS 4.3.1.





iMovie works on original iPad, here’s how to install it

iMovie works on original iPad, here’s how to install it:
Even though the original iPad is able to run the latest version of iMovie for iOS, Apple has decided to not allow original iPad users to install iMovie directly through the App Store. This decision has to do with the original iPad’s lack of cameras, slower processor, and less RAM.





iOS 4.3 untethered jailbreak achieved (video)

iOS 4.3 untethered jailbreak achieved (video):
In less than 24 hours hackers could achieve untethered jailbreak on iPad iOS 4.3. A new video was uploaded on Youtube by the well-known hacker i0nic shows untethered jailbreak on iPad iOS 4.3 in action. Check the video after the jump.





NCK exploit for iPhone 4 unlock discovered!

NCK exploit for iPhone 4 unlock discovered!:
Well, it looks like there's always hopes! After almost everyone knew that there's no iPhone 4 unlock in the coming days and it may take more months, MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team is telling us about a new exploit (NCK) which was discovered few hours ago and expected to permanently unlock the iPhone 4 basebands.





TinyUmbrella 4.30.00 Brings iOS 4.3 and iPad 2 Support

TinyUmbrella 4.30.00 Brings iOS 4.3 and iPad 2 Support:
Notcom, the developer behind TinyUmbrella, has updated TinyUmbrella to version 4.30.00 to support iOS 4.3 and the upcoming iPad 2 (WiFi, CDMA and GSM).





2011年3月6日 星期日

[Word技巧] 簡簡單單讓Word自動「生」出目錄 - 一般目錄篇 - 《硬是要學!》 網路‧生活‧軟體教學‧網站介紹





16個做寫論文、做報告必備的WORD技巧 - 《硬是要學!》 網路‧生活‧軟體教學‧網站介紹





2011年3月5日 星期六

Gruml - Google Reader viewer and account manager.. (Free)





FastFreeFileHosting 不限速檔案分享空間

FastFreeFileHosting 不限速檔案分享空間:
FastFreeFileHosting 名稱超級長的免費空間,無註冊會員可以上傳單檔 50MB 以內的檔案,沒有總容量限制,免費會員可提升至 100MB 並額外支援 FTP 上傳功能,flash 上傳功能部分看似還沒製作好,上傳可添加下載密碼、E-mail、檔案描述。





Unlock for iPhone 4 iOS 4.3 Baseband 04.10.01 in Works Now!

Unlock for iPhone 4 iOS 4.3 Baseband 04.10.01 in Works Now!:
MuscleNerd, the man behind UltraSn0w unlock confirms that iPhone 4 iOS 4.3 baseband 04.10.01 has some possible vulnerable commands that may lead to an unlock for iPhone 4 baseband 04.10.01. Dev-team is working hard to invoke those commands to unlock iPhone 4 on iOS 4.3.





Jailbreak iPad 2 on iOS 4.3 possible with SHAtter exploit?

Jailbreak iPad 2 on iOS 4.3 possible with SHAtter exploit?:
Few hours ago, after the announcement of iPad 2 and its specs, iPhone hacker p0sixninja of Chronic Dev Team posted on his Twitter that they'll focus on the jailbreak of the new iPad 2 on iOS 4.3 once they get it.





Ultrasn0w 1.3 possibly coming on March 11

Ultrasn0w 1.3 possibly coming on March 11:
So Apple has announced the date of iOS 4.3 release which will be available for all devices on March 11st. And as most of you know, MuscleNerd has announced that the unlock will be released after iOS 4.2.5 or iOS 4.3 (whichever is last). iOS 4.2.5 was released last month and iOS 4.3 will be released on March 11st.





Enable Multitouch Gestures On iPhone 4 Running iOS 4.3 GM [How To Guide]

Enable Multitouch Gestures On iPhone 4 Running iOS 4.3 GM [How To Guide]:
The just released iOS 4.3 GM brings some extra perks to iPad users, namely: Multitouch Gestures. These gestures can be used to do variety of tasks such as





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