

越獄行為僅代表可以於iPhone or iTouch等裝置安裝第三方軟體,並不意味著可違反法令規定,進行軟體破解、修改等足以影響原創者利益之行為。




Invasion of any unofficial way, change the iPhone is a risk, that is, the so-called JailBreak (escape), it may cause system instability or even collapse, if not absolutely sure, do not rashly attempt, first proposed the god with Google query information, and then decide whether to escape.

On behalf of escape behavior in the iPhone or iTouch can install third-party software and other devices, does not mean to violate laws and regulations, the software hack, modify, etc. which affect the interests of the original act.

JB at the site of any downloaded software (including but not limited to software installation in CYDIA source software), such as damage to hardware circumstances, in addition to assume the responsibility of any recovery, the site will likely lose to remind the factory warranty, so install the software, be sure to Tuoshen consideration.

Station break the software provided, all income in the Internet search and, if violated or intellectual property creation, etc, will be deleted without notice to maintain this site users can manually delete the right of the posted information.

The information reproduced in any site (including text, pictures and links), in addition to thank the originators of public information for your reference, but once again that the drains are attributable to ownership of the creators, if cases involving violations of laws and regulations, this site will be deleted tracks .





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